Members First Slate of Teamsters Local 722

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Members First Slate of Teamsters Local Union 722

Ed Notschaele for President

Dave Hetelle for Vice President

Bill Lehman for Secretary-Treasurer

Jeff Roseland for Recording Secretary


Ron Ruberstell

John Dyke

Dick Cleary


The Members First Slate has over 175 years of combined Teamster experience in every craft represented by Local 722. We are for positive change that is so needed in this local. Please join us and vote for a better future for you, your family, and your Union.


Our Mission and Our Promise to You
To bring people willing to work for the membership back into the e-board.
To bring back the democratic principles our members once had. Including the right of free speech, the right to assemble and debate, the right to vote on issues concerning our local, and the right to honest elections.
To secure Teamster work for our members including posting the referral list in a glass case for all members to see.
To negotiate better and stronger contracts.
To organize non union shops to benefit our members and communities.
To have trained and dedicated business agents.
To bring honesty and accountability back for better representation of the members' needs.
To bring back fiscal responsibility.
To have the membership once again proud to be Teamsters.


Reminder to Vote. Ballots Due Back By Oct. 13th

Just a friendly reminder to vote and to get your ballots in the mail to make the Oct. 13th dead line for the count.

The feed back we have received is very positive for the “Members First Slate” in this election. Thank you all for your participation to return the local back to the members.

So far less than half of the ballots sent out have been voted and returned to the post office so please remind your fellow Teamsters of the importance of this election and encourage them to vote.

A quote from Plato is fitting at this time. Plato said, “The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


Welcome to our web site!

We are a group of Local 722 Teamsters that are running a slate in this falls' local election. Our local cannot take another term of do nothing officers and business agents. Steve Mongan and his e-board have all but broken the local financially, morally and have driven the membership numbers to the lowest levels since the beginning of the local's charter. It is time for a change before it is too late.

Thank you for your imput. We have added more band width so there should be no problem opening pages on this web site. Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list. Just send an e-mail to

Click to e-mail us here


Members First Slate of Teamsters Local 722